The Society of New Concord
powered by TidyHQNew Concord Apple Fest

New Concord Apple Fest
Society of New Concord Fall Event
Apple Fest
Saturday Sept. 26th, 4-6 PM
Sue and Steve Anderson's Concord Farm
2758 County Route 9, New Concord, NY 12060
cider, apple desserts, conversation, and a surprise Fall cocktail
50/50 raffle
dessert contest:
Make your best Apple Pie (or dessert), to be judged!!
first-, second- and third-place prizes to be awarded
Please bring savory dishes to share!!
Suggested Admission:
$10.00/person [12-and-under:free]
Please RSVP to Sue Anderson sue.newconcord@gmail.com by Sept.19th.
Additional contributions for the building fund are always wecome and encouraged.
In case of rain, the venue will be changed to SNC Community Hall