New Concord Apple Fest

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM 26 Sep 2015
Anderson's Concord Farm, 2758 County Route 9, New Concord, NY 12060

Society of New Concord Fall Event
Apple Fest
Saturday Sept. 26th,  4-6 PM 
Sue and Steve Anderson's Concord Farm 
2758 County Route 9, New Concord, NY  12060


cider, apple desserts, conversation, and a surprise Fall cocktail
50/50 raffle
dessert contest:

Make your best Apple Pie (or dessert), to be judged!!
first-, second- and third-place prizes to be awarded

Please bring savory dishes to share!!


Suggested Admission: 
$10.00/person [12-and-under:free]

Please RSVP to Sue Anderson by Sept.19th.

Additional contributions for the building fund are always wecome and encouraged.

In case of rain, the venue will be changed to SNC Community Hall